Alright over the past few days I've been looking up other people with similar "issues" as me, specifically a reall tall issue in a suit. Anyways it never really occured to me to look for other bloggers. I've been reading the blogs of Nessa, Zero, and quite a few others and I got all sorts of info from them. For instance, people who are running from Him (like me!) are called Runners (really creative there) and that jackass who stole my bag could've been a Proxy! Zero and Robert Sagel's blogs are my favorites just because they seem like they are fighting at the front lines and actually doing damage to Him. I kinda realized that it's creepy how excited I am, but I'm sooooooo happy that I'm not alone anymore! Exclamation marks are fun! WOOOOOOOO!!!!!
Edit: I take back everything I said. Zero goes batshit crazy, I think Robert's dead, and most of the other bloogers are dead. I'm alone again.
Edit: I take back everything I said. Zero goes batshit crazy, I think Robert's dead, and most of the other bloogers are dead. I'm alone again.
hmm i wunder if your adressing me becus i hapend to use to go by the name of zero but your probly not